Good and Bad News About Covid-19

Good and Bad News About Covid-19

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  1. Covid case rates are staying high, but death rates are plummeting.
  2. If you are in a vulnerable health situation, continue to protect yourself from the coronavirus.
  3. A reminder from history -- riots, chaos, and cities burning helped elect Richard Nixon in 1968 and 1972.
  4. Joe Biden’s early stage dementia is now recognized by more than half of the voters.
  5. The US economy is being re-opened and began recovery in June after a terrible mid-March through mid-May. Both government spending and Fed monetary actions against the economic crisis have been unprecedented. They continue to increase.
  6. The stock markets continue to signal a strong rebound as do an increasing number of economic indicators.

FDR’s 1st Inaugural Address - 1933... “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself...”

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Defund the Police?

Defund the Police?

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  1. Black lives matter. Blue lives matter. All lives matter.
  2. A reminder from history -- riots, chaos, and cities burning elected Richard Nixon in 1968 and 1972.
  3. If you are in a vulnerable health situation, continue to protect yourself from the coronavirus.
  4. Joe Biden’s political weaknesses are more and more obvious.
  5. The US economy is being re-opened and began recovery in June after a terrible mid-March through mid-May. Both government spending and Fed monetary actions against the economic crisis have been unprecedented. They continue to increase.
  6. The stock markets continue to signal a quick rebound as do an increasing number of economic indicators.

FDR’s 1st Inaugural Address - 1933... “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself...”

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Protests v. Pandemic

Protests v. Pandemic

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  1. Legitimate protests spill over into illegal violence and destruction.
  2. What happened to social distancing and mask? Hypocrisy, that is what.
  3. Former VP Biden describes 10 to 15 percent of Americans as “just not very good people.”
  4. Joe Biden wrapped up the delegates needed to nominate him in the Tuesday, June 2 primaries.
  5. The US economy is being re-opened and began recovery in June after a terrible mid-March through mid-May. Both government spending and Fed monetary actions against the economic crisis have been unprecedented. They continue to increase.
  6. The stock markets continue to signal a quick rebound as do an increasing number of economic indicators. Surprisingly large numbers on Americans regaining jobs buoyed hopes for a rapid economic recovery.

FDR’s 1st Inaugural Address - 1933... “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself...”

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When Does Fear of Covid-19 Turn to Anger Because of the Lockdown Consequences?

When Does Fear of Covid-19 Turn to Anger Because of the Lockdown Consequences?

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  1. Our fear of Covid-19 is gradually shifting to anger about the state lockdowns. That anger will continue to build and force political action by reluctant governors.
  2. The re-opening of the American economy and society is accelerating but it varies tremendously across the country and even within states. Public opinion is shifting rapidly in favor of re-opening.
  3. The riots, looting, and burning over the tragic killing of George Floyd may affect the November elections.
  4. Joe Biden will wrap up the majority of delegates needed to nominate him in the Tuesday, June 2 primaries.
  5. The US economy is being slowly re-opened and will probably begin a brisk recovery in the 3rd quarter after a terrible 2nd Both government spending and Fed monetary actions against the economic crisis have been unprecedented. They continue to increase. The stock markets continue to signal a relatively quick rebound as do an increasing number of economic indicators.
  6. China last week began taking steps to crush the autonomy of Hong Kong. They have now doomed the great city-state to the end of its status as an international financial hub. The destruction will take years, but it will happen.

FDR’s 1st Inaugural Address - 1933... “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself...”

I never fully understood the importance of that brilliant quote before, but I do now. -AJT

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When Does Our Fear of Covid-19 Go Away?

When Does Our Fear of Covid-19 Go Away?

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  1. Our fear of Covid-19 mostly goes away only when a number of important changes occur.
  2. The re-opening of the American economy and society is accelerating but it varies tremendously across the country and even within states. Public opinion is shifting rapidly in favor of re-opening.
  3. Joe Biden heads toward wrapping up a majority of the delegates needed to nominate him.
  4. The US economy is being slowly re-opened and will probably begin a brisk recovery in the 3rd quarter after a terrible 2nd Both government spending and Fed monetary actions against the economic crisis have been unprecedented. They continue to increase. The stock markets signal a relatively quick rebound.
  5. China last week began taking steps to crush the autonomy of Hong Kong. They are going to destroy the city-state as an international financial hub.
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Protect Vulnerable Individuals, But End Lockdowns

Protect Vulnerable Individuals, But End Lockdowns

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  1. The re-opening of the American economy and society is accelerating but it varies tremendously across the country and even within states.
  2. The #1 takeaway about Covid-19 so far is that vulnerable populations need strong protections from the virus, but the vast majority of people do not. Isolation for only those extremely vulnerable to the disease offers itself as a better way to fight the next viral epidemic.
  3. Governors in NY, NJ, and PA made catastrophically bad decisions to force nursing homes to accept coronavirus infected patients. This caused thousands of unnecessary deaths.
  4. Joe Biden continues to flounder and will not be the next US President. He probably will not even be the Democratic nominee.
  5. The US economy is being slowly re-opened and will probably begin a brisk recovery in the 3rd quarter after a terrible 2nd Both government spending and Fed monetary actions against the economic crisis have been unprecedented. They continue to increase.
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Public Concern Gradually Shifts from Health Risks to Economic, Social & Civil Rights Concerns

Public Concern Gradually Shifts from Health Risks to Economic, Social & Civil Rights Concerns

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  1. The panic and virulent phase of the Covid-19 pandemic is ending, and we are moving into Phase 2 with gradual re-openings of society and the economy, but with health risks still serious.
  2. The case against General Michael Flynn was dropped by the DOJ because hard documentary evidence shows he was purposely entrapped by the Obama era FBI.
  3. Joe Biden continues to flounder and will not be the next US President. He probably will not even receive the Democratic nomination.
  4. The US economy will be slowly re-opened and will probably begin a brisk recovery in the 3rd quarter after a terrible 2nd Both government spending and Fed monetary actions against the economic crisis have been unprecedented. They continue to increase.
  5. Future direct investment in China by investors and companies in other nations is likely to be reduced markedly because of both its egregious actions during the Covid-19 pandemic and China’s malign behavior in world commerce and domestic politics.
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Biden Won’t Be Next President

Biden Won’t Be Next President

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  1. The panic and virulent phase of the Covid-19 pandemic is ending, and we are moving into Phase 2 with gradual re-openings of society and the economy, but with health risks still serious.
  2. Hard documentary evidence now is in the hands of Attorney General Barr and DOJ prosecutors that National Security Advisor, General Flynn, was purposely entrapped into perjury by the Obama era FBI.
  3. Joe Biden will not be the next US President and probably will not win the Democratic nomination.
  4. Globalization will not stop but will be dramatically changed to the detriment of China.
  5. The US economy will be slowly re-opened and will probably begin a brisk recovery in the 3rd quarter after a terrible 2nd. Both government spending and Fed monetary actions against the economic crisis have been unprecedented. They continue to increase.
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Re-opening Begins in Some States

Re-opening Begins in Some States

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  1. Planning is underway for the re-opening of American society and the economy. The rollout will begin quite soon but the actual re-opening will be phased and slow with considerable variation between different parts of the country.
  2. Donald Trump and Joe Biden both have substantial political strengths and opportunities supporting their electability.
  3. China continues under attack for its lying about the Wuhan coronavirus. US public opinion has now turned dramatically against China and its leader, President Xi.
  4. The US economy will be slowly re-opened and will probably begin a brisk recovery in the 3rd quarter after a terrible 2nd Both government spending and Fed monetary actions against the economic crisis have been unprecedented.
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Re-openings Start Soon

Re-openings Start Soon

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  1. Planning is underway for the re-opening of American society and the economy. The rollout will begin quite soon but the actual re-opening will be phased and slow with considerable variation between different parts of the country.
  2. We will get past the health and economic crises created by the coronavirus pandemic when our fear of getting the disease or giving it to an old or sick loved one recedes markedly. Then the governors will re-open our states and cities. Also crucially important is when we gain confidence that the doctors can save us if we get a serious case of the disease.
  3. Donald Trump and Joe Biden both have substantial political weaknesses and threats to their electability.
  4. China’s economy fell by 7% from the last quarter of 2019, its first such decline in over 40 years. This was caused by the Wuhan Chinese coronavirus.
  5. The US economy will be slowly re-opened and will probably begin a brisk recovery in the 3rd quarter after a terrible 2nd
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