Trump takes on everybody and Obamacare revisited

In Brief

  1. President Trump’s UN speech on Tuesday was forceful, well-delivered and historically important. Few in the press have reported it accurately.
  2. Last week Trump took on battles with what seemed like the entire planet. Battles are raging with N Korea, China, Venezuelan socialism, the NFL and extremist Christian evangelicals in Alabama.
  3. N Korea’s test of an H-bomb as well as ballistic missiles has created an international crisis. For 25 years this crisis has been brewing but a real solution was always kicked down the road with diplomatic nonsense. It is not likely to be allowed to fester much longer this time by either the US or China. UN Ambassador Nikki Haley has suggested that UN sanctions have done about as much as they can, meaning the ball is now in the hands of China. Next in line after China is a military solution. On Wednesday, a Trump Executive Order essentially created a situation where China either solves the problem or forces a trade war with the US. Such a trade war with the US with likely throw China into recession and jeopardize the continued rule of the communist regime.
  4. The German election results are being portrayed as a major shift but don’t expect much change in German domestic or foreign policy.
  5. Obamacare repeal and replacement is once again likely to be decided, up or down, by a vote or two. A flurry of deal-making is under way as you read this.
  6. The NFL is killing its Golden Goose with its support of some players disrespecting the flag and national anthem. But, the genie is out of the bottle and there is no way to go back to the status quo. This new fight will rage on…

Continue reading Trump takes on everybody and Obamacare revisited

Trump’s Upcoming UN Speech and More North Korean Provocations

In Brief

  1. President Trump’s UN speech on Tuesday is widely anticipated and likely to be a major event. It will touch on numerous topics and signal many American priorities. Expect it to be controversial…but what else is new…
  2. N Korea’s test of an H-bomb as well as ballistic missiles has created an international crisis. For 25 years this crisis has been brewing but a real solution was always kicked down the road with diplomatic nonsense. It is not likely to be allowed to fester much longer this time by either the US or China. Trump will certainly address the issue in his first speech to the UN General Assembly this week. UN Ambassador Nikki Haley has suggested that UN sanctions have done about as much as they can, meaning the ball is now in the hands of China. Next in line after China is a military solution.
  3. A new poll by Reuters-Ipsos shows only 26% of Americans think memorials to Confederate leaders should be removed from public places. Most Democrats and African-Americans think they should be removed but the vast majority of Republicans and Independents disagree.
  4. A Gallup report out today shows 70% of American dissatisfied with how the US is being governed. That number has changed little under Bush, Obama or Trump since the Great Recession began in 2008. The widespread dissatisfaction lays blame on many of our institutions including both political parties and DC in general.
  5. The latest bombing in Britain, on London’s subway system, once again appears to be Islamic terrorism.

Continue reading Trump’s Upcoming UN Speech and More North Korean Provocations

Irma’s Devastation & Trump’s Art of the Deal


The White House, the federal bureaucracy, the governors and the local leaders are in sync with a shared goal of helping all the people of our great nation hurt by Harvey and Irma.

And today, we commemorate the 16th anniversary of 9/11/2001, another time the people of our great nation came together.

In Brief

  1. Killer storm Irma ravaged Florida and continues its wrath moving into the southeastern states. Millions are without power and will be for days. All levels of government—local, state and federal– are mobilized to help. But lives will be shattered and we must all help.
  2. N Korea’s test of an H-bomb as well as ballistic missiles has created an international crisis. For 25 years this crisis has been brewing but a real solution was always kicked down the road with diplomatic nonsense. It is not likely to be allowed to fester much longer this time by either the US or China. Led by the US, the UN Security Council is likely to vote today on new sanctions.
  3. ISIS is on the verge of losing its geographic Caliphate but will remain a killer for years.
  4. President Trump turned to “the art of the deal” both with DACA and with a hurricane relief, budget and debt ceiling deal. To the joy of some and horror of others…he led.
  5. Hillary Clinton added to her list of people to blame for her defeat last year. In an interview on CBS Sunday Morning she blamed “white people”.

Continue reading Irma’s Devastation & Trump’s Art of the Deal

Harvey Heroes and North Korean Nukes


Many in the US have come to think that America has lost its way…that the future is of decline, not growth… that things are getting worse, not better…that the “good old days” are in the past and never to return.

One who had convinced herself of that was Peggy Noonan, the famous writer and Wall Street Journal columnist. She learned a lesson this week that I have tried to convey for many years to all who would listen. Her column on Saturday September 2 ended with the truth.

“We are a great nation. We forget. But what happened in Texas reminded us. It said: My beloved America you’re not a mirage, you’re still here.”

Some of us forget. Others know the truth. We have many faults but no nation or people have ever been greater. And, the best is yet to come…with many ups and downs but ever closer to that “Shining City on a Hill”.

We will prevail over the KKK and Antifa…over Kim Jong-un and China…over Mother Nature’s fury…because prevail is what we do.

In Brief

  1. N Korea’s test of an H-bomb as well as ballistic missiles has created an international crisis. For 25 years this crisis has been brewing but a real solution was always kicked down the road with diplomatic nonsense. It is not likely to be allowed to fester much longer this time by either the US or China.
  2. Hurricane Harvey pummeled the Gulf coast of Texas causing tens of billions of dollars of damage. The flooding continues devastating the Houston area and much of east Texas and parts of Louisiana. Expect quick action by the Trump administration and Congress on funding for relief and rebuilding efforts. Relief efforts by the state, local and the federal governments will go on for years. Private and faith based groups will also be essential to getting devastated families and communities back on their feet.
  3. As is often true real-world events like Hurricane Harvey and the N Korean H-bomb test change the political scene and narrative almost overnight. As you slip into fall take note of how much the political dialogue, news and reality has changed from just a few weeks ago.
  4. Not only has the US policy of “strategic patience” practiced by the last 3 administrations been a failure but so too has China’s policy toward N Korea. China now faces the real threat of a trade embargo by the US if it continues to trade with and support the Kim regime.

Continue reading Harvey Heroes and North Korean Nukes

Hurricane Harvey Devastates East Texas

In Brief

  1. Category 4 Hurricane Harvey pummeled the Gulf coast of Texas causing billions of dollars of damage, but thankfully few deaths. Much more flooding is certain. The flooding is devastating the Houston area and much of east Texas. It will not subside for several days. Rescues are occurring by the thousands. Expect quick action by the Trump administration and Congress on funding for relief and rebuilding efforts. Relief efforts by the state, local and the federal governments will go on for years. Private and faith based groups will also be essential to getting devastated families and communities back on their feet.
  2. Controversial Chief Strategist Steve Bannon left the White House after a series of run-ins with new Chief-of-Staff, General John Kelly. His departure elicited positive reactions rather than negative reactions from Republicans by a 5 to 1 margin, but the most extreme right-wing partisans in Trump’s base were appalled.
  3. China continues to become more authoritarian as well as to confront India in several geographic areas. Also, China’s flat bond-yield curve is signaling economic and financial trouble ahead.
  4. A Gallup report last week showed that just 37% of Americans think the press “gets their facts straight”. Just 1 in 7 Republicans think they do so. The same study showed just 1 in 4 of all Americans have much confidence in newspapers or in the TV news.
  5. Dr. Sebastian Gorka is the latest to depart the White House after confrontations with General Kelly. He was an effective foreign policy spokesperson for the President but was a close ally of recently departed Steve Bannon.

Continue reading Hurricane Harvey Devastates East Texas

Trump talks North Korea, China, the Charlottesville Tragedy, and Steve Bannon

NO, the sky did not fall today with the eclipse and probably will not anytime soon on the planet either—just a tongue-in-cheek caution not to overreact to the news

In Brief

  1. President Trump gave a clear thoughtful address Monday night outlining a new strategy for Afghanistan, South Asia and the fight against terrorism. It was remarkable for his recognition that what a President comes to know and consider when in the Oval Office is a great deal different than what any candidate or outsider understands.
  2. Both N Korea and China “blinked” this week in their confrontations with the US over nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles and trade.
  3. China’s foreign and domestic policy moves point more and more to their fear of an economic “hard landing” with their real estate and debt bubbles bursting. The US could easily cause such a downturn with aggressive trade moves but appears to be emphasizing more its need for help with N Korea at the current time.
  4. The Charlottesville tragedy is just that, but the aftermath is far less clear than being portrayed in the media. The power to prohibit “hate speech” means the end of free speech. All need to consider what that portends. Especially crucial is the question, “who will define ‘hate speech’”? It won’t be University administrators, faculty or students. It will be politicians and judges. Is a Facebook post by a black Missouri state senator hoping Trump is assassinated “hate speech”? Would a Twitter post from a KKK leader hoping for the assassination of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders or Barack Obama be “hate speech”. Think about it.
  5. A Marist Poll for NPR and PBS shows 62% of Americans think “statues honoring Confederate leaders should remain as an historical symbol” and 27% think, “they should be removed because they are offensive to some people”. Surprise you?
  6. Steve Bannon is out at the White House and back at Breitbart News.
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