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Cohen, Manafort, Mueller, Impeachment, and the Midterms; China in a Trade War It Cannot Win; Venezuela – Destroyed by Socialism

Cohen, Manafort, Mueller, Impeachment, and the Midterms; China in a Trade War It Cannot Win; Venezuela - Destroyed by Socialism

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  1. What are the implications of the Cohen and Manafort convictions?
  2. Why does Trump hire so many slime balls?
  3. Venezuela – destroyed by socialism and the authoritarian dictatorship that usually come with it.
  4. China prompted a trade war with its predatory trade practices and will now pay the price.
  5. PREDICTION: The Democrats will gain 5 to 15 US House seats in the midterm elections.
  6. PREDICTION: The Democrats will lose 4 to 7 US Senate seats in the November elections.
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