2nd Anniversary Issue
The blog began in February 2016.
Thank you to all who have subscribed and especially those who financially supported it!
- The Budget Deal reached Friday morning clears the deck of all major budget and debt ceiling disagreements between the Rs and Ds for almost two years. It represents effective, bi-partisan governing. Where are the cheers folks for good governing?
- The details in the House Intelligence committee memo confirmed reporting of incompetence and political corruption at the FBI and DOJ. The Democratic counter-memo, now being reviewed by the White House and FBI, promises to bring context, but also keeps the issue on the front page.
- N Korea’s Charm strategy at the Olympics is a ruse and will fail. Many will buy it, but the US leadership will not and will ratchet-up the pressure.
- Trump’s White House continues a long string of failures to do adequate vetting of personnel.
- And, what, pray tell, is the new Democratic strategy and message now that “Resist Trump” has collapsed?
Continue reading Massive Budget Deal Clears the Deck; Democrats Help Keep FBI & DOJ Political Corruption Story Alive; N Korean Olympics Charm Strategy will Fail; Trump & White House Again Botch Personnel Vetting; The Democratic Strategy is now What?